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Last year I travelled on the Ayerawaddy (Irrawaddy) River in Myanmar on the Princess Panhwar. A very high bar was set on this trip by the vessel and her crew. I felt at the time it could not be matched let alone be exceeded. Well it turned out I was wrong !!

The RV Khabyoo Pandaw and the Chindwin River.

All my expectations of this cruise were filled to the highest degree by this ship and it’s ‘magnificent’ crew ( All of them). The food was of the highest order there was no way that you could complain about it. Hats off to two brilliant chefs. The entertainment other than the Shan Traditional Dancing Group which were a joy to behold was great ! Kuong The (if my spelling is correct) and Ronald our Guide on a couple of nights entertained us with impromptu performances on guitar and singing really beautiful Burmese songs. So idyllic, on the river at night, a beautiful breeze blowing off the river and listening to them. "Unforgettable". Their range of complimentary drinks is so good, plus endless tea, coffee and soft drinks, biscuits and Burmese confectionary. What more could you ask for.

I was upgraded from Main Deck to Upper Deck which I appreciated very much. The cabin was luxurious in all ways. Teak and Brass everywhere and such a comfortable bed and pillows.

It is such a beautiful river to cruise on, the upper reaches we traversed had mountains which were heavily forested, such a fast flowing river when you compare it with the Irrawaddy and whirlpools abound. Lovely little villages and towns.

The Burmese people though poor, always smile at you and when you greet them with Min-ga-la-ba return the compliment.

We visited two schools, the children sang for us beautifully and they and their teachers were very enthusiastic with the presents (books, pens, rulers, erasers etc..) that we gave them. I presented authentic Aboriginal Boomerangs to the Principals of both schools and through the Guide Ronald interpreting, explained how they were used for hunting. Unfortunately, on both occasions there was not enough room for me to demonstrate how to throw them.

I must add that there were only 10 passengers aboard the vessel which can carry 20 passengers. I think we were spoiled rotten!!

I can highly recommend the Pandaw Company if its ships, crews and voyages are anything like I experienced. I would have no hesitation travelling with this Company again. They are surely the greatest in what they offer!

Peter Covington - Thomas